HIPS Filaments

HIPS (High Impact Polystryrene) : is a support material when you use ABS Filament. If you print with ABS Filamant, you can also be used to create lightweight parts, smooth sking, high iresistance and low shrinkage. It is suitable for large models and models that need to be tested for mechanical performance such as handles, equipment etc.

Suitable for:

  • General model
  • Cosplay and costumes
  • Shockproof case
  • Machine parts, Auto parts
  • Textile machine parts and accessories
  • Architectural model

PrintMyDesign HIPS

Color Chart
PMD HIPS - black

Zortrax Z-HIPS

Color Chart
zortrax z-ultrat - yellow
zortrax z-ultrat - green
PMD ABS - white
zortrax z-petg - black

Sample part of HIPS filament